Sea Mar -Community Health Centers x
Angelo P. Avila
Angelo P. Avila - Child and Family Therapist
Education: Masters in Mental Health Counseling
Institution: Naropa University in Boulder Colorado

Angelo began work as a Child and Family Mental Health Therapist at Sea Mar's Behavioral Health Clinic in October 2020. Angelo completed his master's degree in mental health counseling in May of 2020, graduating from Naropa University in Boulder Colorado.

Angelo's education primarily took the form of somatic counseling with a specialization in Body Psychotherapy. He believes that the body can be used to treat and assess mental health issues. This means building and utilizing body-based awareness skills, movement-based interventions and an emphasis on personal care.

Angelo has a published academic paper in the International Body Psychotherapy Journal that links the practice of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy with Body Psychotherapy and applies their treatment theories to rehabilitation of criminally offending populations.

Outside of his professional work, Angelo has passions and interest in video games, mountain biking, amphibian/reptile keeping, symbology, comedy, and visual storytelling.

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